part of the festival, we are designing an interactive
workshop for the students wherein students can
directly interact with these dancers and be a
part of this aesthetic experience.
We would like to invite children from various
schools to be a part of this workshop. The workshop
is scheduled to take place on 3rd and 4th October
from 10.00 am – 11.30 am at Purana Qila.
The objective of this workshop is twofold:
1. To foster a vision of taking Indian culture
to the students. Through this informal interaction
we would encourage these students to interact
with these dancers.
2. To also present Creative Industry –music,
dance, theater, art and related professions to
be encouraged amongst the younger generation as
viable alternative career options. Mostly people
think only Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers
and Business are preferred options for children
as they grow up. Becoming a musician, Sound Expert/
Engineers, Event Management professionals are
viable options. This mindset could change if the
students meet the right people in the Industry.