In Orissa,
in north eastern India, in the temple of Lord Jagannath
‘Lord of the Universe’ religious rituals,
music and dance were combined together to create the
highly sculpturesque and devotional classical dance
style, Odissi. Odissi dance by combining the basic
postures tribhangi the three fold bending form (neck,
torso and knees) representing Lord Krishna and chowka
a square and centered stance depicting Lord Jagannath,
with intricate torso movements, hand gestures, facial
expressions and elaborate footwork continues to inspire
and awaken beauty and grace in the hearts of artists
and spectators alike. Guru Durga Charan Ranbir, for
whom Odissi is not just a vocation but a mission to
popularise his Guru, Guru Deba Prasad Das’s
style, is known for his choreographic sense and ability
to visualise the most powerful group arrangements.
The presentation will invoke the first Cosmic dancer
– Lord Shiva, Nataraj or the King of Dancers.
After the siba magalacharan, a pure dance form sthayee
evolved from the sculptures of the temples, will be
performed. The beguilement will continue eclipsing
all other fare with the sheer awe inspiring geometry
of group arrangements in the invocation to the Sun
God, the source of all energy and auspiciousness.